Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.Developed by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly.
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications. Its goal is to augment web-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier.
Heroku is a cloud;platform as a service (PaaS) supporting several programming languages. Heroku, one of the first cloud platforms, has been in development since June 2007. It has added support for Python, Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Ruby, and PHP.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of remote computing services (also called web services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet by Amazon. The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. AWS is providing a large computing capacity (potentially many servers) much faster and cheaper than building a physical server farm.
Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, Groovy, Perl, PHP, and Ruby. The tests can then be run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.
PhoneGap is an open source framework for quickly building cross-platform mobile apps using HTML5, Javascript and CSS. It allows developer to write the logic ones and deploy it on many mobile platforms like Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and WebOS.